“Our Woven Journey” Boosts Website Traffic with SEORDEV’s Google Web Stories Service

SEORDEV Google Web Stories Services

“Our Woven Journey” is a travel blog that shares stories, tips, and photographs of unique destinations around the world. The company wanted to increase their online visibility and website traffic, and

SEORDEV’s Google Web Stories service was the perfect solution.

Before working with SEORDEV, “Our Woven Journey” had a very basic website with limited functionality and static content that did not grab the attention of visitors. The website lacked any interactive elements or dynamic features that could engage visitors and encourage them to stay longer. The company knew that they needed to do something different to stand out from the competition and attract more readers to their website.

The company realized that in today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business. With so many competitors in their industry, “Our Woven Journey” needed to find a way to differentiate itself and make their website more engaging for visitors. They understood that a basic website with static content would not be enough to achieve this goal.

SEORDEV Provide Google Web Stories Service

SEORDEV’s team worked with “Our Woven Journey” to create a visually stunning Google Web Story that showcased their travel destinations in an engaging and interactive way. The story included text, images, and videos that told the story of each destination and provided tips for readers.

After Taking SEORDEV Services Result

Woven Journey Result

The Google Web Story was a huge success for “Our Woven Journey”. After the story was published on the website and promoted on social media, the company experienced a twofold increase in website traffic. This increase in traffic also resulted in an increase in engagement and newsletter subscriptions.


SEORDEV’s Google Web Stories service was the perfect solution for “Our Woven Journey” to increase their online visibility and website traffic. The visually stunning stories that were created helped to grab the attention of visitors and drive more readers to the blog.

more case study is coming soon