Technical SEO

Technical SEO

In this Technical SEO guide, I will be going over some fundamental Technical SEO concepts and how to use them properly. Technical SEO is often referred to as “on-page SEO” by most people, but I like to consider it a separate entity. Technical SEO usually stops Google from crawling and indexing your website – if you get the Technical side of things wrong, Google won’t find your site. Technical SEO is a very broad topic, and it can get quite complicated at times, but I will try my best to keep this Technical SEO guide as simple to understand as possible.

First off, Technical SEO should always be done manually (if possible). Technical SEO is not like content SEO or link-building SEO, where you can automate many tasks. Technical SEO often requires doing things by hand and needs to be done with care. Technical SEO usually stops Google from crawling and indexing your website – if you get the Technical side of things wrong, Google just won’t find your site. Technical SEO is a very broad topic, and it can get quite complicated at times, but I will try my best to keep this Technical SEO guide as simple to understand as possible.

Technical SEO

Why do I need to focus on technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to the technical items you need to take care of when going through your website. It is a very technical aspect of SEO which many do not go into, but it’s important for high search rankings and quality traffic. 

When people say technical SEO, they are about fixing any technical issues affecting the site, like broken links, redirects, and technical errors. 

Technical SEO helps you create a quality website that does not have technical issues. A website with technical issues will give the user a poor experience, and they will most likely leave your site without looking at any of your content or services. 

If someone says they do technical SEO, they usually do technical optimization. Google has announced that it will be pulling back on some of its technical SEO-related updates.

Google’s John Mueller confirmed this during a Google Hangout On Air at the end of last month and said: “I think we’ll continue to dial those (Panda/Penguin) down, over time… because over time, we’ve seen that a lot of those technical changes have had downsides in the sense that they take a lot of time for people to recover from, and it’s very technical work. I think as we get more experience with the newer versions of things… then maybe we can dial those back.”

This is good news for webmasters affected by technical algorithms and the technical SEO aspect of marketing. With technical marketing being a large part of almost every marketing campaign undertaken, these changes should mean less work for those hoping to maintain their current rankings – although Google has been keen to point out that technical SEO is still important.

This article will explore why technical SEO is something you shouldn’t do without.

Why is technical SEO important?

The technical aspect of SEO has been around for a long time. However, it’s only recently that Google has made it something you should pay close attention to. Technical SEO is all about ensuring your site functions properly and can be easily indexed by search engines. Things like page speed and maintaining a secure connection are technical SEO issues that Google is prioritizing, although technical SEO has always been an important factor.

Did you know? There are many SEO benefits to making sure your site is technically sound, including:

  •  Higher search rankings – technical errors can lead to lower rankings, which means missing out on potential customers.
  •  More traffic – technical errors can lead to lower search rankings which means missing out on potential customers.
  •  More conversions – technical errors can lead to lower search rankings, missing out on potential customers.
  •  Better customer satisfaction – technical errors can lead to lower search rankings which means missing out on potential customers.
  •  Maintaining a secure site – Google has stated that they will be placing more importance on sites with a secure connection. Technical issues may lead to your site being considered less secure.
  •  Having an additional technical resource – technical SEO is something you shouldn’t do without because you need someone who knows how it all works. However, it’s important to note that technical SEO is something you should never do yourself unless you understand and know how to implement it.

Google announced technical updates (beyond their usual Panda and Penguin updates) in March this year which has had a major impact on some brands and webmasters. It was announced that technical SEO would be focused on moving forward; however, Google didn’t clarify whether technical updates would continue or not after they had been implemented.

What are the benefits of technical SEO?

When technical SEO is included in a web project, it contributes to the high quality of websites.

Technical SEO refers to all technical aspects present in the HTML markup of a website, affecting its ranking – both positively and negatively. The technical optimization thus concerns issues such as accessibility (e.g., if your website is available in different languages, if it is optimized for mobile devices, etc.), reliability (e.g., the capacity of your site to manage technical problems), and speed (e.g., response times).

Many technical issues directly affect SEO balance: these are often invisible technical problems that need constantly updated information depending on the changes of systems, applications, or technical platforms. 

Technical SEO ensures the management of technical risks and the quality of technical systems, which is essential to ensure technical support for search engine crawlers and users looking for information on the Internet. If they are too many or serious, these technical problems can prevent search engines from correctly indexing your website or can significantly slow down your website.

Technical SEO is therefore often referred to as technical optimization.

Technical optimization aims to achieve easy technical management, reduce technical risks, and ensure that all technical aspects are optimized for the best results. Technical SEO also provides a better user experience by ensuring that websites can be easily crawled and indexed by search engines while providing optimal response times for visitors.

Finally, technical SEO is an important part of the technical side of digital marketing. Indeed technical problems can result in other online marketing components (e.g., emailing) becoming obsolete because they are not optimized or may use technology that becomes outdated or abandoned by internet users (e.g., technical problems can slow down website traffic or affect how users interact with the site).

To sum up, technical SEO ensures that technical aspects are optimized to satisfy both search engines and users.

What should I be looking out for when doing this type of work?

  • A technical SEO audit is an investigation of your website’s technical issues.
  • It’s about finding technical problems impeding the indexing and ranking processes.

What should I be looking out for when doing this type of work?

Here are the technical problems technical SEO audits usually uncover:

  • URLs that are not optimized or are duplicate content.
  • Technical issues such as the Robots.txt file, canonical tags, etc. 
  • Technical issues such as duplicated content on your site and third-party sites.

It would be best if you also looked out for:

Technical problems can be easily fixed by removing or amending code and content. These technical SEO opportunities will often provide a greater investment return than technical issues requiring a more technical solution.

How can I learn more about it and get started today?

It’s the technical side of things that most people struggle with regarding technical SEO.

In technical terms, technical SEO is working through all those technical issues which Googlebot isn’t picking up.

If a website has a broken sitemap or incorrect redirects, technical SEO will help sort this out.

In technical terms, technical SEO is working through all those technical issues which Googlebot isn’t picking up.

If a website has a broken sitemap or incorrect redirects, technical SEO will help sort this out.

With technical SEO, you’re trying to provide Google with as many signals as possible that tell it this page is the one you want it to rank.

So technical SEO isn’t just about getting technical, but it’s also about doing technical in a way that will help your site rather than hinder it. Using technical SEO effectively can solve quite a lot of problems, but if it doesn’t, then it might be time to call in the professionals.

I hope this technical SEO guide has provided some insight into technical issues and how they can impact your website. Check out our technical SEO blog if you’d like to get more technical SEO tips and insights.

Technical SEO is a complex subject, but hopefully, we’ve managed to simplify it down so that you can sort technical issues on your website.

If you have any technical questions or want some technical help, leave us a message in the comment section below, and we’ll get back to you. 

What Is Search Engine Optimization – SEO?

Custom Strategies That Promote Stellar Customer Engagement

Search engine optimization, or “SEO”, is the process of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website from search engines, ideally resulting in increased revenue. The term “search engine” refers to both general search engines such as Google and Yahoo, as well as specialty websites such as Google Maps, YouTube, and Amazon.

There are two main aspects to SEO: on-page optimization and off-page optimization. On-page optimization techniques involve improving the content and structure of your website so that it is more easily found by search engines. Off-page optimization techniques involve improving the quantity and quality of links from other websites back to your own website. Both on-page and off-page SEO are important for achieving

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SEO Services You Can Expect From SEORDEV

As a full-service digital marketing company,  SEORDEV offers a comprehensive array of professional search engine optimization services to get your business more visibility in search using only trustworthy, future-proof, white hat SEO techniques, such as:

•  Custom SEO Strategy: We customize our SEO services to fit your needs. We use the tactics that make the most impact for your unique business.

•  Comprehensive Onsite SEO: Title tags, meta descriptions, alt tags, internal linking, etc.

•  Thorough keyword research and market analysis.

•  High-quality copywriting to keep your site content fresh and encourage return traffic.

•  In-depth evaluation of the competition.

•  Careful Link Building: By hand, on diverse domains with high domain authority.

•  Organic SEO tactics for long-term results coupled with paid ads for quick boosts (if PPC is something you’re interested in pursuing).

•  Syndication of articles on social media, curated sites and news outlets.

•  Google Analytics and other data tracking software to learn from trends, traffic and more.

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